Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Within 2 weeks, songs of mid to late 90's OPM were playing all around me-aside from the fact that I have it on my playlist. Have heard it in the office (my officemate playing it out loud on his speaker), played on the bus, went to La Union and the bands were playing Eheads and Rivermaya songs, then early this morning, the FX's playlist as well. Very nostalgic, reminds me of my elementary days.

Have anyone had the feeling of driving on a road surrounded by trees with the Eheads songs playing on the background? This is exactly what I feel whenever I hear their songs playing.

Just about 2 months ago, I was in the exact moment where an Eheads song plays while I was driving the roads of Tagaytay. Everything seems perfect because on my passenger seat is the guy I like- and he loves Eraserheads too.

My life is like what I am when driving. I am in charge of the wheel. It's me who's going to decide where to go. Sometimes it may take time before I finally get to where I want, but I just have to be patient. But like my driving, I'll be the one deciding as well who am I going to allow to ride with me. Who'll be in and out of my life. They can either be a help to get me through my destination or a one big burden along the way. There maybe bumps on the roads , but they are still part of my journey.

But wherever may I go, how long may it take, or I may never get to my desired destination as I planned, I may take a tons of u-turns ... I'll just have to enjoy the ride while I'm on it. If only I can always enjoy the ride with him... I'll do for sure... But it can't be done.... Because he won't let me.

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