Monday, May 16, 2011

Letting you go...

It sucks when in life you need to let go of something, yet something keeps you holding on.
Really, what keeps us holding on? Strength... Faith... Hope... these were the things that keeps me holding on right now. My love for him gives me that much strength to do things I haven't done before in my life. Faith is what makes me believe that even the most impossible thing might happen. Hope is what push me through everyday to survive.

Again with the guy I always mention in this blog, last night we had a far away different talk and bonding than the usual. We were both having a good laugh at each story exchange we had. As I look into his hazel brown eyes, I realize that I might not stare at those eyes again after a month. It s*cks! The feeling s*cks big time! I heard the best laugh from him when I told him a story bout my childhood. There should have been a lot more to talk about if only we were given a longer time together.

I want to turn back the time when he was just one of those people I don't know that they exists. I want to go back to the time when he was the one who keeps on texting me but I ignore him because I was too busy on more important things.

But it's too late to go back... because where I am now is what should I be dealing with.

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