Monday, August 8, 2011

My almost lover

It's been a month since the last time I answered his text and YM messages . I'm doing better now. I no longer cry on my sleep. I no longer wake up crying. Sleepless night were finally vanishing as time goes by. One day, all I can think about is how stupid I am to think that he even care. How blinded I am not to see his real purpose on keeping me. I've learned a lot during those hard times.  One day, he'll just have to look back at the times when I was always there for him, when I was always there to understand his needs... all the times when he feel so alone I was there to cheer him up.

I did love Jay... but I can no longer wait further for him to be ready. He told me that if he's ready, he "might" court me.. naaah... Whenever I think of the way he talks to me, I know he's lying.

I'll be on Malaysia by next month. He just texted me a while ago , asking if when will I go there...Urrrggh... of course I did not reply. I already told to myself, a very big damage has been done ...and it's over between us. I've been better without him... I just hope I can finally mend this broken heart of mine. I will not fall in love again unless I am ready. Oh , sounds familiar? Am I being like him now? But one thing for sure, if I know someone doesn't have a chance with me... I won't keep them hanging. I won't let them fall as I know what it feels like to fall for someone with no intention of catching you. These words are all that I can utter for now- "Goodbye my almost lover, my luckless romance and my hopeless dream.... "

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